Plantain species

Thmbn Plantago maritima Plantago maritima
Isl : Kattartunga
En : Sea Plantain
Nl : Zeeweegbree

Thmbn Plantago major Plantago major
Isl : Græðisúra
En : Greater Plantain
Nl : Grote weegbree

Thmbn Plantago lanceolata Plantago lanceolata
Isl : Selgresi
En : Ribwort Plantain
Nl : Smalle weegbree

Open the list of Hippuris (Mare's Tail), Callitriche (Water-starwort) and Limosella (Mudworts) species

Open the list of speedwell (Veronica sp.) species

Note on modern classification of the Plantaginaceae family and relatives as well as the Scrophulariaceae family