FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Hieracium spp, a hawkweed species

Hieracium spp; I have added photo's of another hawkweed plant which I could not identify. It is a rather tall species with one leaf along the stem. This one has only simple long hairs on the flowerhead bracts. However just below the flower head the stem is densely covered with stellate hairs. Downwards though, they become increasingly less. Most strikingly is the dense fluff of hairs in the axils of the basal leaves. Just to show that the hawkweeds come in very different appearances if one takes time to focus on details.
It is a member of the Asteraceae (syn.: Compositae) family, i.e. daisy family.

Hieracium spp (introduction page on hawkweeds)
Hieracium alpinum (Alpine Hawkweed)
Hieracium thaectolepium (Hillside Hawkweeed)
Hieracium aquiliforme (Hearth Hawkweed)
Hieracium strictophyllum (Stain-leaved Hawkweed)
Hieracium islandicum, aka Pilosella islandica (Icelandic Hawkweed))

It is member of the Asteraceae (syn.: Compositae) family, i.e. daisy family.

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other Daisy family members

Other Daisy family members

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