FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Hieracium alpinum, Alpine Hawkweed, Fellafífill

Hieracium alpinum; the Alpine Hawkweed has unbranched flowering stems and are shorter than other hawkweeds. The inflorescence stalks and involucral bracts have long white hairs stemming from a short black base. These basal parts of the hairs appear at glance as tiny black spots. They lack glandular hairs. The detailed photo of stem and bracts also show stellate stairs on the stem. I am not sure if this is a H. alpinum trait. That photographed plant could very well be another microspecies closely resembling the alpine hawkweed (see the point I made about identification of hawkweeds on the  introduction page of hawkweeds )
It is member of the Asteraceae (syn.: Compositae) family, i.e. daisy family. The Icelandic name of this species is Fellafífill.

Hieracium spp (introduction page on hawkweeds)
Hieracium thaectolepium (Hillside Hawkweed)
Hieracium aquiliforme (Hearth Hawkweeed)
Hieracium strictophyllum (Stain-leaved Hawkweed)
Another Hieracium spp (a Hawkweed)
Hieracium islandicum, aka Pilosella islandica (Icelandic Hawkweed))

It is member of the Asteraceae (syn.: Compositae) family, i.e. daisy family.

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other Daisy family members

Other Daisy family members

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Natural History of Iceland Site  in Dutch

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