FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Hieracium thaectolepium, Hillside Hawkweed

Hieracium thaectolepium; the Hillside Hawkweed is quite similar to the alpine hawkweed. It differs by having small black glandular hairs and stellate hairs on the bracts. The glands appear as small globules, black or yellowish. There are also two easier characteristic features to tell them apart. For one, the hillside hawkweed does not have any leaves along the stem (except for small bracts) where the alpine hawkweed usually has one. Also the haires on the stem are much shorter than those on the alpine hawkweed.
It is member of the Asteraceae (syn.: Compositae) family, i.e. daisy family.

Hieracium spp (introduction page on hawkweeds)
Hieracium alpinum (Alpine Hawkweed)
Hieracium aquiliforme (Hearth Hawkweeed)
Hieracium strictophyllum (Stain-leaved Hawkweed)
Another Hieracium spp (a Hawkweed)
Hieracium islandicum, aka Pilosella islandica (Icelandic Hawkweed))

It is member of the Asteraceae (syn.: Compositae) family, i.e. daisy family.

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other Daisy family members

Other Daisy family members

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