FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Saxifraga hypnoides, Mossy Saxifrage, Mosasteinbrjótur

Saxifraga hypnoides; The Mossy Saxifrage is common all over Iceland, except for the most barren regions. It is an easily recognizable saxifrage. Unlike other white flowering saxifrages it has running shoots (purple saxifrage also has running shoots) and it has very narrow leaves (about 1 cm. long) - hence the name "mossy". It usually grows in rocky terrains. It is member of the saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae). The Icelandic name of this species is Mosasteinbrjótur.

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other Saxifages and close relatives

Other Saxifrages and close relatives

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Natural History of Iceland Site  in Dutch

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