FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Rumex acetosella, Sheep's Sorrel, Hundasúra

Rumex acetosella; the Sheep's Sorrel is the smallest of all common dock species of Iceland. It can best be recognized by the narrow leaves with two lateral blades at the base. It grows on dry grounds often on land disturbed by some sort of human activity.
It is a member of the Dock family (Polygonaceae). The Icelandic name of this species is Hundasúra.

Leaf shapes of the common sorrel species on Iceland

Rumex acetosa Rumex acetosella
Rumex longifolius Oxyria digyna

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other Dock, Goosefoot, Purslane & Nettle related species

Dock, Goosefoot, Purslane & Nettle related species

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