FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Poa trivialis, Rough Meadow-grass, Hásveifgras

Poa trivialis; Rough Meadow-grass is a typical Poa species which is quite similar to the Smooth Meadow-grass. It can best be differentiated by the large ligule (very small in the Smooth Meadow-grass). The name "rough" is given because of the tiny bristles that can be felt if one slides fingers (downward) along the stem. The spikelets have only 2-4 flowers. It is also a rather tall grass.

The Rough Meadow-grass grows in well drained moist soils, often manured. It thrives near homesteads and ditches. Very rare in the highlands

The Rough Meadow-grass is a member of the grass family (Poaceae, also known as Gramineae). The Icelandic name of the Rough Meadow-grass is Hásveifgras.

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