FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Poa glauca, Glaucous Meadow-grass, Blásveifgras

Poa glauca; Glaucous Meadow-grass is easily recognized by its purple appearance. For differences from the similar Wavy Meadow-grass, see that page. The spikelets have 3-5 flowers.

The Glaucous Meadow-grass is very common on Iceland growing in all regions both in lowlands and highlands. It prefers gravel-rich soils and stony grounds.

The Glaucous Meadow-grass is a member of the grass family (Poaceae, also known as Gramineae). The Icelandic name of the Glaucous Meadow-grass is Blásveifgras.

It is common all over Iceland but is more often found at higher altitudes.

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Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
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