Poa flexuosa; The Wavy Meadow-grass is a grass with an panicle-type inflorescence that usually is purple-coloured. The spikelets have rather few flowers (2-3 flowers). The species resembles very much the Glaucous Meadow-grass (Poa glauca) which is even more purple-coloured. The discriminating differences are the ligule (few mm long and pointed in the "wavy" and small and blunt in the "glaucous") and the position of the highest leaf on the culm (just under the panicle in the "wavy" and below halfway in the "glaucous"). Other less discriminating features are the softer more drooping culms of the "wavy" and the sharper keeled glumes of the "glaucous". The Wavy Meadow-grass rarely exceeds a height of 20 cm.
The species is common in the mountains and highlands. It grows on rather dry soils like gravel soils.
The Wavy Meadow-grass is a member of the grass family (Poaceae, also known as Gramineae). The Icelandic name of the Wavy Meadow-grass is Lotsveifgras.
It is common all over Iceland but is more often found at higher altitudes.