FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Ophioglossum azoricum, Small Adder's-tongue, NaĆ°urtunga

Ophioglossum azoricum; The Small Adder's-tongue is a small fern which, like moonworts, have leaves that are split in two: one segment with a green blade (the vegetative part) the other containing the sporangia. Unlike moonworts the blade is entire, lanceolate to elliptic in shape. The sporangia are organised in two rows in a spike-like top-end of the generative part of the leaf. The number of leaves on a plant seam limited: 1 - 3. It is very rare and can only be found on thermal soils and along hot-water streams.

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other fern-related species

Other fern-related species

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