Luzula spicata; The Spiked Wood-rush grows commonly all over Iceland. Typically the inflorescences droop downwards as they mature. This is a very characteristic feature of this wood-rush species. Another Wood-rush species common on Iceland which also shows some drooping features of the inflorescences is the Curved Wood-rush (Luzula arcuata). They are though very different in appearance. The Spiked Wood-rush has relative thick contracted inflorescences on stems that are bent downwards, where the Curved Wood-rush has slender inflorescensec on long stalks which droop at some time on maturing. The main stem of the Curved Wood-rush however grows straight upward, unlike the main flowering stem of the Spiked Wood-rush. The Spiked Wood-rush can be found everywhere on Iceland but for the glaciers!
The Spiked Wood-rush (Luzula spicata) is a member of the rush family (Juncaceae). The Icelandic name of this species is Axhæra.
FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Luzula spicata, Spiked Wood-rush, Axhæra
A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other Lily family & related families members and rush family members
Other Lily family & related families members and rush family members