FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Carex glacialis, Glacier Sedge, Dvergstör

Carex glacialis; The Glacier Sedge is a small sedge (max 10cm.)
  - The leaves grow in dense tufts. The culms are, unlike many sedge species, round. The leaf-like bract under the lowest spike is near to ½ the size of the inflorescence.
  - It has one terminal male-flowered spike and a few female-flowered spikes below pressed to the stem. The scales are dark with membranous margins and they have a pronounced mid-rib. The female flowers have three stigma's. The utricles are globose, green to brown, with a pronounced mid-rib. They also have distinct beaks.
  - It grows on dry exposed soils. They can be found foremost on hill, mountains and highlands of the northern and north-eastern section of Iceland.
  - The Glacier Sedge (C. glacialis) is a member of the sedge family (Cyperaceae). The Icelandic name of this species is Dvergstör.

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other Sedge family members (true sedges)

Other Sedge family members (true sedges)

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