Armeria maritima; Thrift is common all over Iceland, both in coastal regions but very much too in the interior deserts! It prefers sandy and gravelly soils and eroded areas. It can however, also be found in heathers and poor grasslands. When flowering , the rose heads of flower clusters are quite characteristic and can not easily be mistaken for other species.
It is a member of the Sealavender family (Plumbaginaceae). The Icelandic name of this species is Geldingahnappur.
FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Armeria maritima, Thrift, Geldingahnappur
A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Remaining miscellaneous dicotyledons
Remaining miscellaneous dicotyledons