FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Agrostis stolonifera, Creeping Bent, Skriðlíngresi

Agrostis stolonifera; the Creeping Bent is very common on Iceland. It is a creeping grass forming upright flowering stems of 15 to 40 cm which have purplish panicles. Compared to related species the Creeping Bent can be distinguished by the prostrate stems (with roots at the internodes), the rather large ligule (at least 2 mm) and the absence of awns on the spikelets. The inflorescence is also more compact compared to similar species. It grows in many different habitats but prefers rather moist grounds which can even be submersed during spring.

The Creeping Brent is a member of the grass family (Poaceae, also known as Gramineae). The Icelandic name of the Creeping Brent is Skriðlíngresi.

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